Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Pepper Spray For Self Defense

Pepper spray has become a very popular self defense weapon . Although pepper spray does not have immediate stopping power like a large caliber handgun, it is effective enough to bring most attackers to their knees in just a few seconds. Most people are much more comfortable using a weapon with no permanent effects on an attacker. Just one, one second burst is usually enough to cause serious pain and discomfort. The effects can last up to 45 minutes. This gives a victim plenty of time to get away from a dangerous situation.

How To Use Pepper Spray For Self Defense

Pepper spray should be aimed at someone’s eyes and face (shown above). This causes irritation of the eyes and mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. This causes temporary incapacitation and can cause temporary blindness. At such a high level of pain and discomfort, it makes it nearly impossible for an attacker to think about harming you. It makes pepper spray an effective, affordable choice for personal protection at any budget.

Pepper Spray Is Legal In Most States, But Check For Local Restrictions

Although pepper spray is an affordable and effective self defense weapon, there are restrictions in a few states. If you are considering purchasing pepper spray, you should first check the laws in your area for restrictions. Some states just restrict how much a container can hold (California), or the percent of active ingredient allowed in the spray (Michigan).

You can shop for pepper spray now at .

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