Crime occurs daily across America. Don't be a victim! Are you like I used to be? Always thinking that violent crime is something that only happens to other people and it will never happen to you. Or always thinking that it's just something that occurs in the "bad" areas of town and it will never happen to you. Trust me on this point. This is EXACTLY how I used to think about the possibility of getting mugged, assaulted or robbed. That kind of thinking changed for me about 2 and 1/2 years ago when I was getting out of my car in a nice new suburban neighborhood of Charlotte, NC. AND it happened in Broad Daylight! I was getting out of my car and getting something out of my back seat when a car came up and stopped about 20 feet away. I heard some footsteps pound the pavement as someone jumped out, ran up behind me and demanded "Give me all your money". "I want all of it @#$^%&", he said. Luckily I was able to stay calm enough to hand over my money. After that I waited until he jumped back into the getaway car with 2 others and called the police. I was lucky, but this incident changed my thinking forever. Things could have ended up a lot worse. I'm always looking out for my own personal safety now for this reason. That's why I created ExtremeDefenseShop.com. ExtremeDefenseShop.com offers many forms of personal protection such as stun guns, pepper sprays, personal alarms and more. Make sure you check out ExtremeDefenseShop.com. For your own safety and peace of mind. Stay tuned to this blog for more information about self defense, personal security and protection.